
GDS-63.JPGFire!The howitzer is fired. Note the trails "dug in" to contain recoil. Cannonerr in rear of the trails prepares another round for firing.

GDS-65.JPGDouble dutyNothing like trying to prepare your position while firing missions at the same time.

GDS-65a.JPGWaiting on the commandWaiting on the command to fire....

GDS-66.JPGFire MissionThe firing position is still being prepared while a fire mission is in progress.

GDS-67.JPGOn The WayWell, it was "On The Way, Over" until Ft Sill shortened it to "Shot, Over".

GDS-68.JPGOffsidesThe cannoneer standing between the trails shouldn't be positioned there...for good reason.

GDS-69.JPGBarber PoleThe red & white poles are the aiming stakes for the howitzers to set off deflection commands. They were replaced with "collimnators" later.

GDS-71.JPGTotal RecoilIf you enlarge this photo and look closely, you can see the howitzer tube is in total recoil. The hydraulic system returns it to the firing position afterwards.

GDS-70.JPGRounds landingIf you look closely, you can see where the rounds were landing (smoke on the horizon). A/1/35 was "in contact" about 3 clicks from the battery position. A very rare occasion to see your rounds exploding downrange.

GDS-72.JPGSky DangerA1E Skyraiders enroute to do some damage. The Skyraiders were very effective in ground support.

GDS-73.JPGRunwayWasn't much of a runway, but it worked.

GDS-74.JPGArmy's CaribouThe US Army's last claim to fixed-wing fame: The Caribou.
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