
GDS-Cal-1.jpg"Short Timer's" CalendarWoo-Hoo! Only 100 days left in-country. Some calendars started at 90 days, the same time the Bn Adjutant recorded you as a "90-day drop". Most everybody had a calendar.

GDS-Cal-2.jpg"Short Timer's" CalendarAnd, of course, the calendar was a drawing of a gal in a bikini. The final dates to check off were the most interesting ones, naturally.

GDS-250.JPGGoing home; it's all overDump the jungle fatigues and put on those cotton khakis. Lt Springer ready to return to the land of the "Big PX". Back then, your orders specified that you arrive in the khaki uniform.

GDS-253.JPG"The Freedom Bird"Sunrise from the C-141 "Freedom Bird". Supposed to land in Tacoma, Washington, but wound up at Travis AFB, CA. Kinda screwy, but what the heck...I was home! Check out the "war story" - "Tacoma, CA".

GDS-252.JPGStateside Duty Once AgainCapt Gary Dean Springer, Bn S-1 at Ft Hood, TX.
End of Mission

Brigade_Swap_2.JPGHistoric SwapHere is the absolute proof that the 3d Bde of the 25th Inf Div and the 3d Bde of the 4th Inf Div were SWAPPED and not returned to their parent units, thus forever screwing up the history of BOTH brigades. Now you see it in "black & white".

David_Mann__2-9th.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook

Keith_FO_pt1.JPGThe Silver StarLt Don Keith, FO, awarded the Silver Star. Article from the Bronco Bugle.

Keith_FO_Pt2.jpgThe Silver StarExploits of Don Keith win Silver Star.

1-14th___2-9th.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook

A-2-9_firing.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook

2-9th_firing_record.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook
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