
GDS-233.JPGAlmost thereThere's the LZ in the clearing shown in the center-right of the photo. You always wonder what might be in the tree line and all around the edges. Often called "butthole pucker time" when you go in.

GDS-234.JPGRelaxingSometimes you can relax in the jungle...but not for long.

GDS-236.JPGHad to happenAt one point or another, we all mug for the camera.

GDS-242x.JPGSniper HillAn artillery prep and some A1E Skyraiders strike on a hill assigned to B/1/14 to climb and do a S&D mission for VC or NVA. Hill got its name from the continued sniper fire anytime we got close to it.

GDS-242a.JPGSniper HillSmoke rising from Sniper Hill as it gets its butt kicked.

GDS-242b.JPGSniper HillMission assignment in the background; grunt luggage in the foreground.

GDS-243.JPGSniper HillBurn, baby, burn. It was always nice to see a big prep before you got sent in...but there were never any guarantees after you arrived.

GDS-244.JPGPrisonerCaptured VC with weapons.

GDS-244a.JPGPrisonerVC prisoner with weapons.

GDS-245.JPGPrisonersSuspected VC captured.

GDS-246.JPGPrisonersSuspected VC captured.

GDS-251.JPGPX - Camp EnariSign reads: Camp Enari - Exchange.
4th Inf Div - Dragon Mountain.
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