
GDS-142.JPGBrigade luxuryLt Kermit DeVaughn enjoys the comfort of a real bed at the 3rd Brigade base. December, 1966.

GDS-143.JPG"Damn, this is a real bed!"FOs don't get the luxury of beds very often.
Lt Springer kicking back at the 3rd Brigade base, December, 1966.

GDS-144.JPG"Shine my boots?? Are you kidding?"LtCol Holbrook wanted his officers to "look sharp" for the change of battery commanders in the next photo. Probably the last time you'll see shined boots on my feet in Nam.

GDS-145.JPGBattalion CommanderCapt Richard Higgins (BC, "A" Btry) , LtCol Bruce Holbrook 2/9th BnCO), Lt (Capt) Keith Carlton (new BC of "A" Btry). Photo dated 20 Dec 66.

GDS-146.JPGThe Bob Hope ShowBob Hope entertains the troops, December, 1966.

GDS-147.JPGThe Melody BarThe "crown jewel" of Pleiku.

GDS-150.JPGCasual FridaysLt Springer at LZ Tip, commanding the splintered "Delta Battery". Dress is casual.

GDS-151.JPGWater deliveryA Chinook bringing in a water trailer. Troops thought it might be smoking-hot rum.

GDS-152.JPGLZ TipLt Springer, serving as the Btry CO of "Delta" Battery, stands outside his "home" at LZ Tip.

GDS-153.JPGIn the holeSgt Gunther in the gun crew bunker. Sgt Gunther was an excellent Crew Section Chief.

GDS-154.JPGLZ TipSection Chief waiting for commands from the FDC.

GDS-155.JPGExecutive PracticeBtry CO Lt Springer gets "down & dirty" practicing the craft of the cannoneers as he prepares to load a projo. He and the XO made it a point to learn and remember just how important each crew member's job was.
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