
GDS-113.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Walter W. Lee (standing) and Sp4 John M. Waldman keeping the lamp lit.

GDS-114.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Walter W. Lee ready to go.

GDS-115.JPGLZ 510BSp4 Lee in a "daring" pose. You know when the men are desperate for entertainment.

GDS-116.JPGLZ 510BSp4 R. O. Shepherd at LZ 510B. Note the "stateside" fatigues with the color logos and emblems. Another sign that jungle fatigues were not fully available in the 66-67 timeframe.

GDS-117.JPGLZ 510BThe jeep made a great outdoor office.

GDS-118.JPGLZ 510BJust about every firebase had a jeep; it served a lot of purposes.

GDS-123.JPGChow Time"Well, we call it that because it looks like that!"

GDS-124.JPGLZ 510BEverybody used the jeep. The jeep was primarily used as a back up power source for the FDC and battery commo systems in the event the generator went down. Plus...it was the only soft spot where you could sit your butt down in the whole damn jungle.

GDS-125.JPGChow TimeNot too often, but mermite cans with hot food flown into jungle LZs instead of the all-too-familiar C-rations.

GDS-126.JPGChow Time"You really think I should drink it?"

GDS-127.JPGChow Time"Do you want more, sir? We want our FOs to be big and strong! Besides, we send the bill back to the battery anyway".

GDS-128.JPGTossing awayEvery LZ had a trash pit. The enemy would occasionally bury unexploded AF ordnance in there. Clever little bastards.
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