
Rhodes-Delano.jpgFO PartyMike Rhodes poses with Ray Delano. Both served in Lt Munden's FO Party, supporting A/1/14 and are now in touch today. Small world, isn't it?

B_Btry_firing_LZ_Lane_.jpgFire Mission!The men of "B" Battery work the howitzer on LZ Lane, just a couple of clicks from the Cambodian border and the site of many battles in Nov, 1967.

LZ_Lane_13Nov67.jpgDangerous TerritoryEntering LZ Lane...just a couple of clicks from the Cambodian border and the scene of much fighting.

recovery_party.jpgRecovery PartyWhile serving in the field with A/1/14, Ray was the Recon Sgt for the FO.

recovery_party_2.jpgLZ LaneAn excellent photo...makes you feel like you are there with them. Note the two ammo clips taped together and the smoke grenade on the web belt. Yep...that's men in the field.

General_Order_award.JPGBronze Star for heroismSgt Ray Delano honored for his actions in the battle of 13Nov66 at LZ Lane. This battle was a benchmark in the history of The Mighty Ninth.

Ray_Delano.JPG"Modern Day" RayHere Ray poses with GEN Casey on the day of his retirement, receiving a "coin" in recognition. Congrats, Ray!
Webmaster's Note: Our brother Ray Delano passed away in May, 2020.