
2-9th_4a.jpgThe Banquet...and here are their twin brothers....
Missing twins are: Ernest Correia and Jim Connolly.

GDSfamily.jpgBanquetSpringer & son. FO Gary Dean Springer arranged to have his son Scott and girlfriend Courtney attend the Banquet Finale of the reunion.

A-2-35.jpgThe BanquetLighten up, guys! Veterans of A/2/35 during the 66-67 tour are Hal Bowling, Bobby Day and David Dunn.
Lovely wives join them at the dinner table.

Joe_Turner.jpgBanquetFirst-Timer! Joe Turner was the FDC guy for "A" Battery during his 66-67 tour. Joe is a CPA residing in Aston, PA.

Pete,Lois.jpgBanquetLois and Pete Dystra, A-2-35, seemed to have a rare serious moment at the Banquet finale.

Roman.jpgFirst-Timer! Tom Roman was the FDC guy during his 68-69 tour with the 2/9th. Tom is a retired police Captain, transplanted from Danbury, CT to Lake Worth, FL. Smart move, Tom!

Tom,JoeT.jpgThe BanquetTom Roman, left, and Joe Turner, right, attend their first reunion with the 35th Inf Regt. Tom & Joe are FDC veterans, putting fire on the target for the 35th.

RomanQuilt.jpgThe BanquetAND THE WINNER IS......Tom Roman! Tom is pictured here with the quilt he won as a door prize at the Reunion finale event: the banquet. It was created by the Avila family; they won the 50/50 prize of $550.00!

25th_Coin.jpgCommemorative CoinsBeautiful commemorative of the Reno reunion. The 25th Inf Div, "Tropic Lightning", at left.

35th_Coin.jpgCommemorative CoinsThe 35th Inf Regt, "Cacti", coin at left. Coin at right was a gift of Gary Dean Springer.