
Thomas,Springer2.jpgCocktail PartyCo-conspirators: every year Ed Thomas and Gary Dean Springer cook up some sinister plot. (Watch out, Bert!)

Connolly,_Corriea.jpgCocktail PartyThere they are! Jim Connolly and Ernest Correia enjoy the special joint reception for C-1-35 and the 2/9th Arty.

PhotoShoot.jpgThe Photo ShootThe dude with the camera is Steve Rainbolt. The "plan" was to use the stairs and adjoining escalators as the stage for all the photos. Hah! Along came the Fire Marshal and he shut it down. All Steve got was a picture of chaos. Well....maybe next year!

Lynne_Jeanne.jpgPhoto ShootEmotional reunion of daughter & mother: Lynne Krause and Jeanne Griffin Smith attend the reunion. Jeanne's fiance', Lt Roger Fulkerson, was KIA. Roger never knew he had a daughter. See the War Story link entitled "Roger & Me", sub-titled "Chasing The Past Until It Catches Up With You".

Lynne,Jeanne.jpgThe Photo ShootWonderful reunion! Daughter Lynne Krause (right) finds birth-Mom Jeanne Griffin Smith. A very touching and emotional story involving FO Lt Roger Fulkerson who was KIA at the battle of Duc Lap.

Lynne,Mike,Jeanne2.jpgPhoto ShootFO Lt Mike Kurgis was a close friend of KIA Roger Fulkerson and played a key role in the story of the wonderful reunion....30 years after the fact.

Bert,Jeanne,Mike.jpgThe Photo ShootBert Landau crashes the reunion picture, but no one seems to mind. Actually, his presence was requested.

Bert,Jeanne.jpgThe Photo Shoot"He's my new boyfriend!" Jeanne Smith smiles brightly with Bert Landau.

Rosa.jpgPre-Banquet Happy HourCSM August Rosa, is the Korean icon of the 35th Regt. Augie completed 35 years of military service and has all those gold stripes to prove it.

Mike,_Lynne.jpgPre-Banquet Happy Hour

Ballroom.jpgThe BallroomThe grand ballroom for the reunion highlight: the annual banquet.

2-9th_3.jpgBanquet - The RedlegsL to R: Bert Landau, Gary Dean Springer, Don Keith,
Jim T. James, Ed Thomas, Dennis Dauphin, Tom Roman, Mike Kurtgis, Joe Turner. Missing from picture: Ernest Correia and Jim Connolly.