
SM1b.jpgArmy Commendation Award CeremonyArmy Commendation Awards ceremony. Getting the medals are: Bill Manton, Danny Fort, Corky, and me. The "crew cut" is very likely Lt Chris Herrick and the background observer wears the "camouflaged black bar" of a 1st Lieutenant, but the name is UNK.

SM2.jpgIncoming ChopperAn incoming Chinook to LZ Thunder. Location provides a scenic view and good commanding military terrain.

SM3.jpgWooden SoldierOtis and me posing with a French Soldier. He didn't say much.

SM4.jpgProof!Here I am...serving with "Bravo Battery", 2/9th Arty...The Mighty Ninth.

SM5.jpgSandbag CityLooks like the troops are improving the location with inter-connecting trenches and lots of sandbags.

SM6.jpgCommand ConferenceThe Lieutenant and our TopKick compare notes. We now know that the man seated is 1SG Clifford J. Pullan and the man at left is either Lt Moyers or Lt Baumgartner. 1SG Pullan passed away in January, 2015.

SM7.jpgThe ElephantsThis confirms J. William Ward's experience with elephants. {See his Photo Album} I remember the elephants coming into our "personal space". Note the aiming post at lower right.

SM8.jpgThe ElephantsWhoever expected pachyderm visitors on Nam? Guess is the four-legged version of a Vietnamese Chinook.