
DFort4a.jpgLZ HardcoreTaken during the 1968 Tet Offensive.

DFort5a.jpgBagging the CONEXEvery move meant re-bagging the FDC-CONEX.
L to R: Gary Burrows, Gary Williams, Terry Stuber and Kelly.

Slide36.jpgInside the CONEXCheck this FDC out! Lotsa cool memories. Note the RDP fan at top left, a good look at the FADAC (center), a can of RISE shaving cream on the shelf, a standard GI flashlight clipped to the wall at right and a guy wondering (Dietrich) why you want to take his picture. That's Geary Burrows in the background.

DFort2a.jpgAnd I do this because?Oh, yeah...because it is the best protection there is! Sp5 Danny Fort fills yet another sandbag.

DFort4.jpgHistory-making 105mm WP roundThere she goes! A 105mm White Phosphorus round marking the 500,000th round fired.

DFort6a.jpg3 Buds (Actually, Falstaff)L to R: Jim ___ (from North Carolina), Burrows, and Danny Fort. Note that a "church key" was used to open the beer...long before the days of "pop tops".

DFort-1a.jpgOur Buddy "Short Round"Sp4 Joe Cook holds "B" Battery mascot, "Short Round".

DFort7a.jpgFreddie FADACSp5 Danny Fort pushes the buttons on the Field Artillery Automatic Digital Computer (FADAC). See Danny's War Story entitled "Don't Hurt My Freddy". Somehow, Danny figured out a way to make the thing work and was very protective.

DF-1.JPG"Short Round""Short Round" was the mascot for Bravo Battery, 2/9th Arty. Short Round was wounded and Danny was the one who stitched him up and took him to the Doc. Short Round stayed in Danny's bunk. I I took him to be sewed up when he was hit. He was written up in The Stars & Stripes newspaper a couple different times. Our hero!

DFort8a.jpgA Chopper awaitsFO Lt Fuller and FDO Lt Carl Stout. There was both a Carl Stout and a Charles Stout serving with the 2/9th Arty.

DFort9a.jpgSandbagging BunkersL to R: New FDO, Lt Ness, Geary Burrows, Gary Williams, and Kelly.

Slide09.jpgScenic FirebaseTake the high ground! It provides for a defensible base and a great view. Anyone know the cannoncockers here?