
Yates.JPGModern Day DannyModern-Day Danny attending our historic 2/9th Reunion at Ft Sill, OK in May-June 2013.

Yates_-_Tennerman.jpgHonor Flight to DCI spent this past weekend (June, 2015) acting as Escort for my wife's uncle on
an Honor Flight to Washington, DC. Earl Tennerman was in the Navy, and
wounded at Peleliu in the Palau Islands when his ship was hit by enemy fire.
We participated in the 71st anniversary of D-Day commemoration service. Earl got to lay a
wreath at the World War II memorial.

WWII_Memorial.jpgHonor FlightLaying of a wreath at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC during the weekend of June, 2015, 71 years after the D-Day landing.