
DY-21.jpgRice growingRice farmers at work in the paddies. No time for war here.

DY-22.jpgSignposts at PleikuEvery location in Nam had reminders of home in the form of mileage markers.

DY-24.jpgThe better timesActress Tippi Hedren and Diane McBain pose with Sp4 Danny Yates. Mores smiles.

DY-25.jpgStar PowerActress Tippi Hedren and me. Woulda made a nice going home present.

DY-23.jpgHappy TimesSp4 Danny Yates cleaning up and squaring away his gear prior to going home. Big smile, of course.

DY-Clear.jpgClearance Papers"It ain't over till the paperwork is done!" Okay, boss, here's the paperwork. Goodbye!

ComingHome.jpgMade it!Still smiling, of course. There's something about DEROS orders that does that.
Welcome Home, Brothers!

DYates.jpgModern Day Danny2009: Shaking hands with the "current generation" (left) while attending a Welcome Home reunion at Ft Campbell, Ky.

DY-26.JPGThen and NowMarch, 2012. A fantastic "direct match" photo comparison after 45 years. This was on the beach at Duc Pho. The beach is not as wide as it used to be, and our guide told us that it has eroded a lot. {If you go back to the photo marked "DY-11", you will see Danny's original submission.}

DY-27.JPGThen and NowMarch, 2012. Modern Day Dragon Mountain. This one is on Hwy 19, south of Pleiku. The pictures are looking north. At least the roads are better.

DY-28.jpgThen and NowHere is a comparison picture of the airstrip in Duc Pho. I wasn't able to make an exact comparison because I couldn't get to the other side of the runway, as it is a restricted area, but it is close enough to see how the area has changed. {However, the background is unmistakable!)

DY-29.jpgThen and NowI was able to find this school in Phu Cat. Hwy 1 runs through Phu Cat,
north of Qui Nhon, on the way up to Duc Pho, as you probably remember.