
Arty_Surveyors.JPGFellow Artillery SurveyorsThese guys worked with Danny Yates: (L to R): Roufs, Kato, Norm Martin. They served in the artillery Survey Section, Vietnam 66 - 67. {Photo provided by Robert Wilson.}

YatesUplift.jpgWar Zone?Combination of blue skies and mountain range make for a pretty setting at LZ English (Bong Son).

DY-10.jpgBig BulletsThis 105mm howitzer ammo has been unloaded from its storage tubes, fuzed and connected to the powder cannister.

DY-11.jpgAG gets the command to fire!Note one hand on the radio handset and the other on the lanyard. Also note that the Gunner places his fingers in his ears. No wonder we all have "artillery hearing".

DY-12.jpg2/9th Communications @ Duc PhoNote all the R-292 antennas surrounding the encampment of the 2/9th Communications Section.

DY-13.jpgThe Ammo DumpSite of the infamous fire in July, 1967...The Ammo Dump.

DY-14.jpgAmmo Dump on the beachA "duck" unloads ammo to the beach from the South China Sea.

DY-15.jpgA "Duck"Sgt Earl Rule stands next to the wheel of a duck. Size differential is remarkable.

DY-16.jpgAt the fenceVietnamese children observe through a concertina wire fence.

DY-17.jpgSky AttackJets attacking the perimeter.

DY-19.jpgField ExpedientSet up an immersion heater and you have hot water for a field shower. Too bad Tipi Hedren and Diane McBain already left.

DY-20.jpgWash-o-maticDoing field laundry. We used a similar method to burn the outhouse waste with diesel. Hope it's not the same barrel.