
Viet_Children.jpgSights & ScenesVietnamese chilren in the roadway.

Viet_Chow.jpgSights & ScenesTasting the Vietnamese cuisine

Viet_Clothing.jpgSights & ScenesVietnamese Clothing store. Just like American stores, they have salesmen waiting.

Viet_Fish_Boats.jpgSights & ScenesVietnamese fishing boats.

Viet_Fish_pier.jpgSights & ScenesFishing pier

Fish_Market.jpgSights & ScenesViet Fish Market

Viet_Hut.jpgSights & ScenesThatched huts living quarters. Interesting contrast in cultures.

Viet_Market.jpgSights & ScenesA covered market building

Viet_People.jpgSights & ScenesA rather large structure

Vinh_Thanh.jpgSights & ScenesThe village of Vinh Thanh

Ed_Thomas~0.JPGWorld TravellerEd has travelled the world with a personal mission to build churches in 3rd world countries, even communist-dominated countries. Here he is at his "second home", an airport somewhere.

EdThomas.jpgModern-Day EdEd Thomas attends the 2007 Philly reunion with the 35th Infantry Regiment.