
CommSupplyPt.jpgSights & ScenesCommunist Supply Point

Drug_Store.jpgSights & ScenesViet Drug Store

Police_Station.jpgSights & ScenesFriendly gate guard waves

Clothes_Shop.jpgSights & ScenesClothing Shop

Hdw_Store.jpgSights & ScenesViet hardware store

Honda_Shop.jpgSights & ScenesA Honda cycle shop. An interesting contrast of ancient culture and new.

Market.jpgSights & ScenesViet Market. Vendors waiting to serve you.

Market2.jpgSights & ScenesViet marketplace

Shop.jpgSights & ScenesThe streets of Pleiku

Shop2.jpgSights & ScenesViet clothing shop. Free parking.

Shop3.jpgSights & ScenesThe streets of Pleiku

Shop4.jpgSights & ScenesRoadside business