
Captured_Wpns.JPGMuseum in the fieldEnemy weapons...notice how light and portable.

Field_Museum.jpgField Museum visitorA visitor looks over the captured enemy weapons "museum".

Chu_Lai_Helipad.jpgSights & ScenesThe Helipad at Chu Lai

CR_Bay.jpgSights & ScenesSign says: "Welcome to Cam Rahn Bay, 14th Aerial Port Sqdn, Passenger Terminal"

Cam_R_Bay.jpgSights & ScenesSign says "Det 1, 14th Aerial Port Squadron, Nha Trang.
(Click to enlarge)

SwedeVisit.JPGMajGen Swede LarsenMajor General Swede Larsen presents Lt Ed Thomas with the Bronze Star award with "V" device.

HolbrookAward.jpgBronze Star Award2/9th Bn Commander LtCol Bruce Holbrook presents award.

Hol-pins.JPGBronze Star AwardLtCol Bruce Holbrook, Battalion Commander, pins the Bronze Star on Lt Ed Thomas

Well-Done.jpgBronze Star AwardLt Ed Thomas gets a congratulatory handshake from LtCol Bruce Holbrook, Battalion Commander

Holbrook-Ed.jpg"Gee, wish I had one of those!"2/9th Bn Co LtCol Bruce Holbrook admires the Bronze Star medal received by Lt Ed Thomas.

Ed-Sten2.JPGEd's ArsenalLt Ed Thomas holding a sten gun.

Ed-Grease2.jpgEd's ArsenalLt Ed Thomas holding a "grease" gun