
Duc_Lap.JPGBattle SiteFO Roger Fulkerson was KIA in this area. {See related "war story" - The Coffin Corner}.

DB-1.JPGLt Blankin and "friend" in background.Maybe he was stealing Donnie's beer.

DB-2.JPGVietnam YearbookWell, if we had one, this is what Don's picture would look like.

DB-3.JPGCollect call?Don handles a call from the best artillery tool in Vietnam - the CONEX container FDC.

DB-5.JPGSp5 PJ Newlin, FDC"PJ" ran the FDC for "B" Battery. You will find another photo of "PJ" in Tom Roman's photo album.

DB-6.JPG"Bootlegger"The mascot of "B" Battery, circa 1969.

DB-4.JPGUnknown FOCan you help us identify this FO?

DB-7.JPGSafe & Sound?Always conforting to know that all the "stuff" you dragged to Nam is ready and waiting for you when you go home.

DonBlankin.jpgBan-me-Thuot1968 - Nasty mud, says Don.