

Portland_10.jpgLadies TableMs Martha Henderson, wife of 35th President Joe Henderson, along with friends.

Portland_11.jpgHoward and JoeHoward Johnson (no relation to the Hotel Chain) and President Joe Henderson.

Portland_12.jpgJoe's Gang35th Assn President Joe Henderson and buddies.

Portland_13.jpgHospitality Suite35th Assn President Joe Henderson and buddies.


Portland_16.jpgHospitality SuiteThere's David Dunn in the dark shirt, Joe Henderson, and Bobby Day.

Lee_1.JPGA reunion hugCapt Dave Collins gives Pam Okerstrom a friendly hug.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

Lee_2.JPGThe Okerstrom FamilyHere they are...with Bert Landau as the intruder at far right. Hugging the gals as always.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

Lee_3.JPGHospitality SuiteThe Okerstrom family enjoying the Portland Hospitality Suite.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.

Lee_4.JPGOkerstromsNow we know who they are.........
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.