
Sheraton_Portland.JPGSite of the 2018 ReunionOkay, gents...it's the 20th Annual Reunion of the 35th! Grab your wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, and BE THERE!

Thurs_Nite_Ride.jpgStarting off the ReunionA Thursday evening dinner cruise kicked off the events of the 20th Annual 35th Inf Regt Reunion in Portland, Oregon.

Aboard_the_Spirit.jpgDinner CruiseA dinner cruise aboard the Portland Spirit.

Portland_15.jpgLong-time PalsJim Connolly and Past President Joe Henderson go way back to the days when they both served in the TOC of the 35th Inf Regiment. Both Jim and Joe were members to the 2/9th Field Artillery on assignment to the 35th.

Portland_1.jpgScenic WaterfallThe long drop of a waterfall makes a scenic background.

Portland_2.jpgBanquet Table SelectionEvery year, a drawing is held for the closing Saturday Night Banquet.



Portland_5.jpgPhoto album reviewIt is a time-honored tradition to review our photos of service in Vietnam.



Portland_8.jpgHospitality SuiteThe Hospitality Suite is the center of attention for each reunion.