The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

4,987 files in 91 albums with 0 comments viewed 580,739 times
Carlton Epps


Lt Carlton Epps

1 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2020
Album viewed 33 times

Rick Ericksen


Rick Ericken lived "many lives" in Vietnam, first going out with an FO party, then returning to the firebase as a Cannoneer, and then volunteering to go back out with an FO party in support of the 1/14th Inf Regt. Rick earned a Bronze Star with "V" device, but deserved at least 3 CIBs for all the combat action he saw.

149 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2020
Album viewed 102 times

William A. Falkenstein


Sp4 Bill Falkenstein was a medic assigned to HHB and later to "A" Battery as a Medic. He was present at the battle of LZ St George and decorated for his heroism.

25 files, last one added on Aug 28, 2018
Album viewed 66 times

Danny L. Fort


Sp5 Danny Fort served in "B" Btry from Sept 67 - Sept 68 in the FDC. He was called "Cowboy". The battery mascot pictured with him, "Short Round", slept in his bunker.

27 files, last one added on Feb 26, 2024
Album viewed 69 times

Dogs of the 2/9th


Our fellow Redlegs have included several shots of our four-legged pets and mascots with their contributions to the site, so now they have their very own photo album. Seems that most remember "Short Round" the most.

16 files, last one added on Feb 10, 2023
Album viewed 75 times

Mark Gannon


Mark Gannon served with C/2/9 in the 1969 - 1970 timeframe.

5 files, last one added on Dec 23, 2011
Album viewed 51 times

91 albums on 16 page(s) 7