The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

4,987 files in 91 albums with 0 comments viewed 580,740 times
Scotty Croom


Photos contributed by Scotty Croom, 5/58 - 5/69, 330th RR/ASA attached to II Corps. Located on the mountain/quarry side of Engineer Hill.

2 files, last one added on Jul 07, 2008
Album viewed 58 times

Dennis L Dauphin


Lt Dauphin served from Nov 66 to Oct 67. Processed in at Camp Alpha, toured Saigon, and went all over Pleiku, Hwy 19, LZ Uplift, LZ Oasis, LZ Tip, LZ Lane, LZ English, LZ OD, and others. Major tour at Duc Pho; departed from Tam Ky.
Served as an FO for A/2/35, FDO & XO of "A" Battery.

192 files, last one added on Sep 01, 2024
Album viewed 183 times

Ray Delano


7 files, last one added on May 18, 2012
Album viewed 62 times

James Deloney


James served as an FO with the 1/14th Inf Regt and was the veteran of many battles going back to the days of LZ Lane in November, 1966. He eventually served as an Air Observer before completing his tour.

225 files, last one added on Feb 04, 2014
Album viewed 64 times

Leon "Lee" Dixon


Leon Dixon had an MOS of 05C20, radio-teletype operator, and was assigned to the Hq Bn of the 2/9th. He had the occasion to visit Saigon once a month.

92 files, last one added on Aug 12, 2019
Album viewed 240 times

Wiley "Tiny" Dodd


Wiley "Tiny" Dodd, a member of the 2/35th Recon Team, submits his photos of The Mighty Ninth in action.

3 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2007
Album viewed 59 times

91 albums on 16 page(s) 6