The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Participating in the Saturday morning business meeting was: (left) 1SG Jack Farmer, attending his first reunion and Dennis Dauphin, creator and Webmaster of "The Mighty Ninth" website.  Jack saw my redleg hat and shirt and asked, "Did you know our FO, Lt Carlton Epps?"

Answer: You BET I do!  Lt Epps was one of the more recently located redlegs of the 2/9th.


Participating in the Saturday morning business meeting was: (left) 1SG Jack Farmer, attending his first reunion and Dennis Dauphin, creator and Webmaster of "The Mighty Ninth" website. Jack saw my redleg hat and shirt and asked, "Did you know our FO, Lt Carlton Epps?"

Answer: You BET I do! Lt Epps was one of the more recently located redlegs of the 2/9th.

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