The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Our Host
Redleg Bert Landau, with cup in hand, welcomes TOC member Jim Connolly at the Friday evening party. To the left is the Co-Host of the party, Dave Collins, who commanded C-1-35 with Lt Bert Landau as his Forward Observer.  A very special event planned by Dave and Bert in a very upscale environment.  Weren't we fortunate!

Our Host

Redleg Bert Landau, with cup in hand, welcomes TOC member Jim Connolly at the Friday evening party. To the left is the Co-Host of the party, Dave Collins, who commanded C-1-35 with Lt Bert Landau as his Forward Observer. A very special event planned by Dave and Bert in a very upscale environment. Weren't we fortunate!

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