The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

The Old and the New
These are members of the DivArty staff.  The Sergeant Major Henry, with the newest uniform, is at right.  Meanwhile, you get a good trip down memory lane with the OD uniforms, the white cloth name tags and the later camouflaged name tags.  The Sergeant Major, of course, is wearing the "uniform-to-be"...jungle fatigues and jungle boots.

The Old and the New

These are members of the DivArty staff. The Sergeant Major Henry, with the newest uniform, is at right. Meanwhile, you get a good trip down memory lane with the OD uniforms, the white cloth name tags and the later camouflaged name tags. The Sergeant Major, of course, is wearing the "uniform-to-be"...jungle fatigues and jungle boots.

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