
Lee_3.JPGHospitality SuiteThe Okerstrom family enjoying the Portland Hospitality Suite.
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.     (2 votes)

Lee_4.JPGOkerstromsNow we know who they are.........
Photo courtesy of Lee Okerstrom.     (2 votes)

Portland_16.jpgHospitality SuiteThere's David Dunn in the dark shirt, Joe Henderson, and Bobby Day.     (2 votes)

Portland_15.jpgLong-time PalsJim Connolly and Past President Joe Henderson go way back to the days when they both served in the TOC of the 35th Inf Regiment. Both Jim and Joe were members to the 2/9th Field Artillery on assignment to the 35th.     (2 votes)

Portland_5.jpgPhoto album reviewIt is a time-honored tradition to review our photos of service in Vietnam.     (2 votes)

Rosa.jpgPre-Banquet Happy HourCSM August Rosa, is the Korean icon of the 35th Regt. Augie completed 35 years of military service and has all those gold stripes to prove it.     (1 votes)

Bert,Dean,Ed.jpgCocktail PartyDave Collins and Jim Cooke of C-1-35 coordinated with Bert Landau (left) for a special reception combining the grunts with the redlegs in Mandalay-4 room of the hotel. Gary Dean Springer and Ed Thomas are center & right of the photo.     (1 votes)