
Chris_Herrick_-_Bill_Farmer.jpgLt Chris Herrick and Lt Bill FarmerLt Herrick sitting on the passenger side and Lt Farmer in the driver's seat. Herrick served in the Bn S-3 shop and commanded the temporary "D" Battery. Bill Farmer was KIA on an FO assignment.     (1 votes)

Stadlers.JPGRegistration VolunteersJohn Stadler and his beautiful wife Pam can be seen almost every year as volunteers for registering members and guests to the annual reunion.     (1 votes)

RomanQuilt.jpgThe BanquetAND THE WINNER IS......Tom Roman! Tom is pictured here with the quilt he won as a door prize at the Reunion finale event: the banquet. It was created by the Avila family; they won the 50/50 prize of $550.00!     (1 votes)

Joe_Turner.jpgBanquetFirst-Timer! Joe Turner was the FDC guy for "A" Battery during his 66-67 tour. Joe is a CPA residing in Aston, PA.     (1 votes)

Lynne_Jeanne.jpgPhoto ShootEmotional reunion of daughter & mother: Lynne Krause and Jeanne Griffin Smith attend the reunion. Jeanne's fiance', Lt Roger Fulkerson, was KIA. Roger never knew he had a daughter. See the War Story link entitled "Roger & Me", sub-titled "Chasing The Past Until It Catches Up With You".     (1 votes)

Bert,_Dean,_Ed2.jpgHospitality SuiteWe can laugh now! FOs Bert Landau, Ed Thomas, and Gary Dean Springer enjoy the camaraderie long after the shooting ended.     (1 votes)

Bert-Tom.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteBert Landau and Tom Jones, 1/14th & 25th Inf Div rep get the party started in the hospitality suite.     (1 votes)

35th_Coin.jpgCommemorative CoinsThe 35th Inf Regt, "Cacti", coin at left. Coin at right was a gift of Gary Dean Springer.     (1 votes)

PhotoShoot.jpgThe Photo ShootThe dude with the camera is Steve Rainbolt. The "plan" was to use the stairs and adjoining escalators as the stage for all the photos. Hah! Along came the Fire Marshal and he shut it down. All Steve got was a picture of chaos. Well....maybe next year!     (1 votes)

Dunn,_etal.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteDavid Dunn, Bobby Day, Hal Bowling & Art Johnson. Bobby seems to be telling David one version of a war story and Hal tells Art what REALLY happened.     (1 votes)

A-2-35.jpgThe BanquetLighten up, guys! Veterans of A/2/35 during the 66-67 tour are Hal Bowling, Bobby Day and David Dunn.
Lovely wives join them at the dinner table.     (1 votes)

Dunn,_Day.jpgThe Hospitality SuiteDistinguished men of A/2/35: David Dunn and Bobby Day.     (1 votes)