The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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SG-26.JPGLZ Meade136 viewsWhat would we have done without the Chinook? This one found a nice level place to park!
DM28.JPGLZ Lane, 14Nov66136 viewsLt Revera, with helmet.
DM32.JPGLoyal RTO136 viewsThis is a picture of Mike Rhoades, my RTO, 13Nov66. Mike was "on loan" because my regular RTO, Cpl Robert McGlynn, was on R&R.
DM37.JPGLt Revera136 viewsThis is Lt Revera; photo taken at LZ Lane, 14Nov66.
LZ_Liz_Doc#1_Fitzpatrick.jpgPipe & Pinups136 viewsTypical interior view of the CONEX. Pictured here are Doc and Fitzpatrick.
Ed_Thomas.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th136 viewsLegendary FO Ed Thomas, who mentored Bert Landau as the FO replacing him in 1967 has been attended the 35th Inf Regt reunions for many years now. Ed is also known for building church foundations (non-denominational) in several foreign countries, including a trip back to Vietnam. He had a little trouble with that church-building, but got it done.
A-2-35.JPGSocial hour136 viewsHal Bowling, Art Johnson, David Dunn and wife Chris Dunn enjoy a little libation before the Saturday dinner. Chris' legacy is to stick out her tongue at the cameraman...just like last year.
DH-1.JPGThe "Birth Control" Gun Crew136 viewsMy first job as a Section Chief with the "Birth Control Gun Crew".

L to R: Sp4 Tommy "Big Gun" Harrison, PFC Jimmy "Beetle" Bailey, Sp4 Chuck Haag, PFC Travis McCauley, and me.
sgt_promotion_oct_69.jpgGot Promoted!136 viewsPromoted to SGT E-5, orders dated 29Oct69.
JC-23.JPGBorder site136 viewsThis is the view from LZ Sledgehammer on the border of a radio relay site.
J_Turner_1.JPGArtillery Museum136 viewsIt as fantastically beautiful day to visit an outdoor artillery museum at Ft Sill.

Photo courtesy of Joe Turner
JH-7.jpgBusiness Meeting136 viewsThe men of the 35th honor their Field Chaplain.
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