The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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TS-56.JPGTOC136 viewsTOC RTO - John Blanche
TS-54.JPGGetting Set Up136 viewsGary Strochein setting up commo for the day we arrived in the Chu Pa Mountains...Spring, 1969.
MSG_Stinson.jpg"Big Chief" MSG Stinson136 viewsThe big chief over all commo was was MSG Stinson. Here is a photo of him...All went over with 2/9 in Dec 65.
MTL-12.jpgLet us pray136 viewsPraying to God to keep me safe.
2010-Pitts2.JPGChatting away136 views(at table) Greg Malnar with Linda & Dickie Dickerson. Standing is Ed Moor, 2/9th FDC.
File_3-6.JPG"Got any Tabasco?"136 viewsTypical C-ration "meal-in-the-field". Sp4 Rick Ericksen here..."should I really eat this stuff or just give it to the VC?"
File_9-2.JPGB/1/14136 viewsSmoke break while defending position with B/1/14.

These guys were no nonsense and as tough as they came.
JCook22a.jpg"Base Camp" - Jan 1966; FDC Trailer brought over from Hawaii136 viewsCenter & Right: PFC Richard A. Williams & Sp4 Larry L. Black. They are shaving facing the FDC. We had been in-country from two to four days at this point. The FDC for "B" Battery was a 3/4-ton truck with generator. The FDC was known as the "Pink Kitty"; it was pink inside. It was made of plywood and brought over from Hawaii. See next photos for the progression of our FDC housing.
Our "wash area" is located where my right foot is.
Cover_1.jpgProgram: 35th Infantry Regiment Reunion136 viewsProgram Cover
JM-24.JPGAerial View - Than An136 viewsJohn notes that "this is where we had our laundry done."
DF-6.JPGReunion Photos - Danny "Cowboy" Fort136 viewsRob Smitha takes a photo outside the training building on our first day at Sill.
BK-6.jpg"We Were Soldiers...and Young Studs, Too"136 viewsLeft: Michael Alexander, Bill Kull (old hairstyle) and Gary Farley. They were performing a surprise inspection of the unit's beer supply. Photo taken a base camp (naturally) before heading home in August, 1968.
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