The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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TS-64.JPGParking Lot137 viewsCranes and slicks on the metal mats.
2010-Pitts7.JPGNon-alcoholic beverage137 viewsEd Moor enjoys a cold Sprite.
File_8-5.JPGSingle File137 viewsAnother search & destroy mission.
Rick_E_3-6.JPG137 views
Rick_E_6-2.JPGTrying to destroy ammo137 viewsThis is a better look at one of the rounds without a fuze that was attempted to be destroyed with C4 and det cord.

The outcome was almost a disaster!
BK-4.JPGMore like it137 viewsBill steps inside the door of a deuce-and-a-half. More familiar turf than a jeep.
JCook36.JPGFresh Haircut137 viewsPhoto taken at Bien Ho, a lake near our base camp at Pleiku. This is the lake where we did laundry alongside the Vietnamese.
Sgt Joe Cook poses with two Vietnamese children. The boy next to Joe spoke English; his name is "Co" and he is wearing Joe's hat (backwards, naturally). The boy in the white shirt is Con Tin. Picture taken before our 'B" Battery ever went to the field to stay. Date, approximately January 1966. Joe is sporting a new haircut from a Vietnamese barber.
Price_Reunion_8.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price137 viewsVisit to the Ft Sill Museum: The FADAC - "Field Artillery Digital Analog Computer". It was the field artillery's first attempt to use a "computer" back in the 1960s for fire direction computation of deflection and quadrant elevation. It didn't prove itself at Ft Sill and neither in Vietnam. We were better with the training gained from spending weeks in Snow Hall.
JS-8.JPG137 viewsAnother view: the convoy to Ban Me Thuot.
Battle_Clip_1.jpgBattle with NVA137 viewsThe Mighty Ninth supports "B" Company, 1/14th in a major firefight.
Arr-7.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive137 viewsGathering in the Lobby for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK. The weather outside took a serious turn for the worse as evening arrived.
Lt_James_Deloney.jpgForward Observer B-1-14137 viewsI'm Lt James Deloney...and this is my story.

(James deceased on 26Apr24)
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