The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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WS-211.JPGBattle Tank139 viewsTroops take a closer look.
Duck!.jpgBurning trash139 viewsCannoneer taking a breather, perhaps?
TR10.jpgThe Warning Order139 viewsThese "I'm Coming Home" warning letters were very popular for all the "short timers".
File_1-2.JPGLZ St George139 viewsThat's me at left; next to me is one of the RTOs that was assigned to the Commo Bunker. Don't recall the name but he was attached to the 1/14th HQ Company's Commo Section.
File_2-5.JPGGroup conference139 viewsLooks like he got the long stick instead of the "short straw". Another day in the bush with members of the 1/14th Inf Regt.
File_3-2.JPG"Light 'em if ya got 'em!"139 viewsCapt Jerry Roberts, CO of B/1/14, (aka "Pilot", his call sign) takes a smoke break while checking out a defensive position. We were later sent into the mountains you see in the background.
File_8-1.JPG1/14th Plt Ldr139 viewsAt left is Lt Joe Mailla, nicknamed "Bomber", one of the Platoon Leaders of "B" Company, 1/14th. Lt Joe Hannigan and I were humping the bush with him. Nice guy, but he was nervous all the time. Of course, weren't we all? He had a tendency to let it show.
JCook-119.JPGRiding the trails139 viewsHere is a Lambretta bus riding along old gun pit and APC trails.
JS-7.JPGConvoy plus139 viewsMy best guess is the convoy to Ban Me Thuot and a couple guns on the way. The little Lambretta looks puny compared to our military vehicles.
JS-9.JPGLZ St George139 viewsMortar Pit at LZ St George.
Battle_Clip_1a.jpgBattle with NVA139 views...continued. Artillery makes the enemy back off once again!
DM33.JPG"A" Company, 1/14th Inf Regt, Sept, 1966139 viewsOfficers & men of "A" Company:
Back Row - Lt Grant, KIA 13Nov66, awarded the Medal of Honor; Lt Herb Walters, 1st Sgt, Lt Jim Bambridge (seriously wounded 13Nov66).
Kneeling - Lt Terry O'Brien, KIA 13Nov66, awarded DSC; Lt Keoin.
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