
JCook-131.JPGTea Plantation, October, 1966140 viewsIt almost looks organized.

Aiming_Cir-2.JPGM2 Aiming Circle - Surveyed stake140 viewsYou set up the tripod, hung the plumb-bob & centered it, levelled your bubbles, and computed your SADULU. It is going to be paved over as a parking lot. Just another Ft Sill memory.

Price_Reunion_3.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price140 viewsBANG! There is goes. The compression was just as powerful as the sound of the cannon being fired.

Dollies-3.JPGStateside?140 viewsThese Donut Dollies take in a little bit of sun (which we had plenty of). If it weren't for the sandbags, you'd think this was a backyard photo.

MikeStagon_SgtFitzpatrick.jpgChow Time140 viewsHere are Mike Stagon and Sgt Fitzpatrick.

Allin_Hall_3.JPGArrival140 viewsTelling war stories in the Lobby. Geary Burrows seems to have the floor. Terry Stuber at right, Bob Bowden on chair, J William Ward at right.

WmWard-6.JPGIn Memory of Ronnie Mishima140 viewsDanny "Cowboy" Fort with coin.
Ronnie Mashima was a cannoneer in Bravo Battery with me and Danny Fort. He wanted very much to come to the reunion but was unable to. He sent 3 coins to me. He wanted me and Danny to have one and someone who remembered him to have the other. John Bowden remembered him well. Ronnie wanted in some way to be represented at the reunion.

Joe_H-13.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden Inn140 viewsL to R: John & Barbara Bowden, J. William Ward, Danny Fort, and John Waldman.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson.

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DM2.jpgRSOP139 viewsMoving day. The CH-47 Chinook was the workhorse. It could transport a 105mm howitzer and a slingload of ammo, code named "lobsters".

WS-22.JPGGood Buddies139 viewsGriffith Crooks at far right.

MK-42.jpgDigging in139 viewsProviding cover and concealment with logs, sandbags, and foxholes.
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