
FO-Ready.jpg141 viewsFO Lt Don Keith in full battle gear. Note the two (2) smoke grenades on the webgear.

TS-30.JPGThe Mighty Sky Crane141 viewsNot sure of the location, but there's no mistaking a Sikorsky Sky Crane moving anything not already nailed down.

Dixon65.jpgSkikorsky SkyCrane141 viewsThe Sikorsky Skycrane at Duc Pho. Over the mountain is the South China Sea.

JCook13.jpgThe 105mm bullet141 viewsA piece of 105mm shrapnel taken from a VC.

Rick_E_5-1.JPGPartially destroyed ammo141 viewsRick explains that some ammo arrived without fuses. They were told to destroy it with C4 and det cord. The ammo was stacked pyramid style with C4 stuffed in the fuze hole and wrapped in det cord. The explosion resulted in a very large piece seen in this photo that landed in the middle of the gun section. It was fortunate that no one was hurt or killed. Detonating ammo is a job for the pros, not wannabes.

Modern_Day_John.JPGModern Day John "Moon" Mullins141 viewsJohn proudly poses in his uniform (notice that it actually fits!) for Veteran's Day, 2012. Looking good, John!

JM-Oasis.JPGLZ Oasis141 viewsMy home - Camp Oasis, 1969

JS-11.JPG141 viewsBest guess is FSB 34....an unusual FBase...Arty on one end and Infantry at the other end.

DM34.JPGCpl Robert McGlynn - RTO141 viewsThis is Corporal Robert McGlynn who was my regular RTO.

AK-19.JPGBags packed - heading home141 viewsSaying goodbye before departing.

Bronze_Star_Ceremony.JPGBronze Star Ceremony141 viewsAfter I returned home, I didn't know that I was put in for any award. Then I got a letter asking if I wanted a formal military color guard presentation. Since I was back home living with my widowed mother and two younger sisters, I said "yes" mainly for their benefit. Sure enough, they had me go to the Louisiana National Guard barracks where they called out the Color Guard and I was presented my Bronze Star.
Maybe I should go back for my Air Medal? Never got that one.

JFO-77.JPGOn the ground on patrol141 viewsNote the inflatable air mattresses. In the red circle is a souvenir someone is bringing home.
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