
BK-2.JPGGot my wheels142 viewsBill Kull is ready for that Saturday night date with the CO's jeep. Just no place to go. No doubt who "Jockstrap Six" might be.

SG-5.JPGLoading up142 viewsLoading "A" Btry into C-130s; off to Kontum and a few days later into LZ Incoming.

WTC-8.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne Crochet142 viewsThat ol' gang of mine...our redleg vets pose for a photo just after the retirement ceremony. We probably thought the ceremony was for us.

JS-14.JPGLZ St George142 viewsOur battery sign stands proudly while we build LZ St George.

Randy(Doc)Eagleton_and_Bear.jpgAnother day in Nam142 viewsPictured above is Randy (Doc) Eagleton and Bear.

DM11.jpgSKYCRANE POWER!141 viewsThe mighty Sikorsky SkyCrane creates a tremendous downdraft dirtstorm for the crew below.

DM14.jpgSignage141 viewsThe unit crest imposed on the Artillery branch insignia. "F.D.C" = Fire Direction Center. Housed and protected in a sandbagged CONEX container.

MK-66.jpgStream Crossing141 viewsKeeping your powder dry.

MK106.jpgPomp and Circumstance141 viewsChange of Command ceremony, 2/9th Arty Battalion Commanders, at LZ Oasis, 1969. At left is LtCol Redmond Forrester (incoming) and LtCol Rich Wiles (outgoing).

MK153.jpgThe Skyraiders141 viewsThe A1E Skyraiders: the biggest ground support payload and longest loiter time over target as controlled by the "Cider FACs".

MK242.jpgAdditional Duty141 viewsEveryone had additional duties…even Captains. Ray Plunkett (RTO), Signal officer Lt Ronald Kettelman and Capt Robert Richardson do village assistance program near Oasis.

2008Reunion-09b.jpgLet's Party141 viewsThe wives of C-1-35 enjoy the reunion.
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