The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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MikeStagon_SgtFitzpatrick.jpgChow Time145 viewsHere are Mike Stagon and Sgt Fitzpatrick.
J_Orr-1.JPGJerry Orr's photos145 viewsJerry Orr and John "Moon" Mullins are pointing fingers at the Hunter Steakhouse, a short walk from the Crowne Plaza reunion hotel. The Steakhouse served very large portions; you got a full tummy for a good price. Seated at right is Steve Sykora, attending his first 35th Inf Regt reunion. Steve was on hand for our "historic reunion" at Ft Sill in 2013.
Bronze_Star_Ceremony.JPGBronze Star Ceremony145 viewsAfter I returned home, I didn't know that I was put in for any award. Then I got a letter asking if I wanted a formal military color guard presentation. Since I was back home living with my widowed mother and two younger sisters, I said "yes" mainly for their benefit. Sure enough, they had me go to the Louisiana National Guard barracks where they called out the Color Guard and I was presented my Bronze Star.

Maybe I should go back for my Air Medal? Never got that one.
GDB-25.JPGThe Rolling Stones?145 viewsNot quite.
DM16.jpgCFB Frank Venegas144 viewsFrom a Drill Sergeant at Ft Bliss, to the CFB of "A" Battery, Frank went on to become the Sgt Major of III Corps Artillery at Ft Sill, Lawton, Ok where he retired. Frank passed away in February, 2011. He was a great soldier and friend.
MK-50.jpgIncoming Huey144 viewsProbably the most common sight in Vietnam.
MK-52.jpgThe "Yard" House144 viewsAnother view.
MK-78.jpgSingle File - column144 viewsNote the spacing between the men; we know the shit is coming.
MK284.jpgPerimeter of Oasis144 viewsThe Infantry perimeter area: 3rd Brigade at the “Oasis” FSB
Mike,_Lynne.jpgPre-Banquet Happy Hour144 views
Shotgun_Deaths.jpgDoorgunner PFC Paul E. Rytter144 viewsThis news clipping captures the men who were KIA as Operation Shotgun graduates from the secret Hawaii training program. Despite the casualties, many men were willing to serve as doorgunners in Nam.
Dixon65.jpgSkikorsky SkyCrane144 viewsThe Sikorsky Skycrane at Duc Pho. Over the mountain is the South China Sea.
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