The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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256.JPGModern Day Steve144 viewsWith the days of Vietnam far behind him, we have Steve Cox at age 65.
JM-29.jpgMother's Day Assault on LZ Oasis144 viewsNewspaper account of the attack on LZ Oasis, May 1969.
SG-22.JPGBig guns on LZ Pony144 viewsOn LZ Pony, we had the pleasurable company of a 175mm gun and an 8" howitzer. Don't know who they belonged to, however. Always a thrill to hear and feel a 175mm gun fire. We were at this LZ for only a few days. I do not recall any fire missions. We convoyed up to Phu Cat AFB, loaded up on C-130s and flew to Kontum.
IMG_2604.JPG"This is a great party, guys!"143 viewsDon M. Keith attends his first 35th Inf Regt reunion
DM14.jpgSignage143 viewsThe unit crest imposed on the Artillery branch insignia. "F.D.C" = Fire Direction Center. Housed and protected in a sandbagged CONEX container.
MK-74.jpgLoad Bearing143 viewsThe full pack is 90 lbs; I weighed 150 lbs.
MK175.jpgPayback143 viewsGreat shot for any yearbook and makes for great payback, too!
2008Reunion-09b.jpgLet's Party143 viewsThe wives of C-1-35 enjoy the reunion.
Caribou2.jpgThe Caribou143 viewsPlace: Litts Field. The Army's last foothold in fixed-wing aviation was the Caribou.
TS-41.JPGJiffy Pop143 viewsDanny Olsen, HHC 2/35...using C-4 to make that wonderful meal we all enjoyed..."JIFFY POP".
Homeward_Bound.jpgOne for the road....the LONG road home143 viewsCelebrate! Downing a few beers at the Pleiku NCO Club just before heading home. There's still room for a lot more empty beer cans on the table.
Dixon67.jpgThe Supply Dude143 viewsHere was a jolly little fellow who worked in supply. But heaven help you if you didn't follow all the rules by the book! The jolliness stopped right there! Sadly, I just don't recall his name either. Memory is eroding now on the names.
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