The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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MK93.jpgThe Slick Park143 viewsDependable Hueys resting on the metal grating serving as a field tarmac.
MK175.jpgPayback143 viewsGreat shot for any yearbook and makes for great payback, too!
MK224.jpgStaff Chat143 viewsUNK 2/9th Arty Battalion Staff officer (left) and Capt Earl W. Finley (center) talk with the Battalion Command Sergeant Major (UNK).
DP4a.JPGDecember, 1967143 viewsVietnamese farmers working the rice paddies.
Caribou2.jpgThe Caribou143 viewsPlace: Litts Field. The Army's last foothold in fixed-wing aviation was the Caribou.
TS-41.JPGJiffy Pop143 viewsDanny Olsen, HHC 2/35...using C-4 to make that wonderful meal we all enjoyed..."JIFFY POP".
MTL-18.jpgThe end143 viewsIt was a "happy tour"...especially when you know you are headed home. Two Unknown friends with me.
Dixon67.jpgThe Supply Dude143 viewsHere was a jolly little fellow who worked in supply. But heaven help you if you didn't follow all the rules by the book! The jolliness stopped right there! Sadly, I just don't recall his name either. Memory is eroding now on the names.
Tex_5-2.JPG"I Won the Lottery!"143 viewsOnly...we didn't have one.
Tex_6-3.JPGChildren of war143 views
SM1b.jpgArmy Commendation Award Ceremony143 viewsArmy Commendation Awards ceremony. Getting the medals are: Bill Manton, Danny Fort, Corky, and me. The "crew cut" is very likely Lt Chris Herrick and the background observer wears the "camouflaged black bar" of a 1st Lieutenant, but the name is UNK.
JS-12.JPGLZ St George143 viewsBuilding our battery defenses at LZ St George.
4987 files on 416 page(s) 83