The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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WS-81.JPGHail, Miss America 1969!145 viewsMs Judith Ford, chosen as Miss America in 1969 visited our base and stands next to PFC Jerry Genson, henceforth known as the "Lucky Devil". Lucky devil indeed, Ms Ford represented the State of Illinois as a pageant contestant. She took the time to visit the troops in the field in Vietnam.
TR71.jpg145 views
TS-34.JPGTOC Shack145 viewsNote the generator and post-hole digger along with other supplies stacked together...usually indicating a new LZ.
Dixon62.jpgEat Your Heart Out, SW Airlines!145 viewsHah! Southwest wasn't the first to come up with cheap boarding passes. The Loadmaster would simply tear off a piece of paper from something else and write "boarding pass" along with the flight # and destination. The "PKU" is a baggage stub. Sometimes you had to check what you were carrying, sometimes you didn't.
MTL-20.jpgGoodbye, Vietnam!145 viewsIt's all over, pal! Heading to Honolulu, Hawaii to see my wife.
CSMO = close station, march order!
EMoor16.jpgUnknown145 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67. Note the dignified, shielded piss tube at left.
Rhodes-Delano.jpgRecon Sgt & RTO145 viewsLt Munden is very happy to be in touch in modern day with his former teammates Mike Rhodes, RTO and Ray Delano, Recon Sgt (deceased 2020).
File_9-1.JPG"B" Company, 1/14th145 viewsI took turns with the grunts on position defense. A wise man counts his bullets. The men of B/1/14 were seasoned grunts and hard-ball players.
Price_Reunion_11.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price145 viewsThe reunion agenda included an invitation to a retirement ceremony on the Old Post grounds... a great historic site at Ft. Sill. The horse-drawn caisson passes in review.
J_Orr-1.JPGJerry Orr's photos145 viewsJerry Orr and John "Moon" Mullins are pointing fingers at the Hunter Steakhouse, a short walk from the Crowne Plaza reunion hotel. The Steakhouse served very large portions; you got a full tummy for a good price. Seated at right is Steve Sykora, attending his first 35th Inf Regt reunion. Steve was on hand for our "historic reunion" at Ft Sill in 2013.
GDB-25.JPGThe Rolling Stones?145 viewsNot quite.
WS-15.JPGTaking a break144 viewsJerry Genson, Ammo Section Chief, and friends from 1/35 at the ASP.
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