The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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DJ-4.jpg293 views2/9th Arty Battalion Commander LtCol Gerald Bobzien, (Unknown), Lt Carl Stout, FO and (Unknown).
Dixon49.jpgM42 Twin 40mm Duster293 viewsHere I am with the Duster at LZ English that stopped all of the shooting after the Chinook crashed. This thing really got the attention of those VC that were shooting at the Chinook. Notice my beard; it got me a trip to Saigon due a skin infectionl condition that inhibited shaving.
MK318.jpgMemorial292 viewsIn Memory of Maj Michael Davis O'Donnell.
BY-2.jpgRTO291 viewsUNKNOWN at this time, he served as the RTO for the FO. Note the thickness of the jungle canopy. A clear illustration of the challenge of knowing where you are at all times. Nothing back home prepared you for this.
Ables7.jpg291 views
UnkPosn.JPGAerial View288 viewsAn aerial view of an established postion - Unknown.
Booby.jpgThe Bronco Bugle285 viewsA great coincidence...Lt Don Keith asked me if I remembered this incident. Not only did I remember it, I kept a clipping from the "Bronco Bugle"
TS-10.JPGLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot285 viewsGreat photo of Section ammo bunker. UNKNOWN cannoneer. Real artillerymen use big bullets.
Charlie_Co,_1_35th.jpgFO's Team284 viewsKneeling, Front: Lt Bert Landau; Lt Tony Bloemhard (KIA) by friendly fire returning from a recon mission.
Back Row: Co 1SG Antonio Cartagena, "C" Co commander, Capt Dave Collins, and Lt Joel Matusek, KIA. The story of Lt Matusek is provided under Bert's "Tour of Duty" link.
MK-63.jpgThe Enemy is your Enemy283 viewsNVA wounded and "Doc" fixed him up. He showed his "thanks" by promptly spitting on Doc. Then we had to cut an LZ to airlift him out.
MK-319.jpgThat's All, Folks!283 viewsA picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words could not describe the pictures anyway.
ARVN_-_2-9th.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook283 views
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