
Banquet-1.JPGRedleg Banquet Table148 viewsFO Dennis Munden in his Arty shirt next to "Moon" Mullins. That's Joe Turner in the dark suit.

Dollies-2.JPGIs this possible?148 viewsWow....one heckuva a Donut Dolly visits the men of the 2/9th. (How come only one picture?)

LZ_Liz_Capt_Hutsell,_Bernhard,_Buzz_Nelson.jpgAt LZ Liz148 viewsL to R: Captain Howard "Dutch" Hutsell (deceased), Bernhard, and Sp4 Buzz Nelson. Hutsell served as the S-4 of the Battalion before moving on to Battery Commander.

Roeder_Pavilion2.JPGEyes front148 viewsDave Collins provides a "Welcome" speech to the assembled guests at Bert Landau's condo pavilion.

Roeder_Pavilion4.JPGHost & Guest148 viewsHost Bert Landau greets guest Craig McGowan of C-1-35.

GDB-28.JPG148 views

GDB-24.JPGThe strange sight in Vietnam148 viewsA war was going on while the simple civilian farmers went about their business. Obviously, they didn't care much for warfare.

GDB-32.JPGA long-distance benefactor148 viewsA nephew enters the Soap Box Derby.

GDB-31.JPGShovel or die148 viewsThat had to be a motto somewhere. But...sandbags kept "names" off the "Wall" in DC.

MK90.jpgNew Home147 viewsThe Firebase at LZ Oasis becomes my new home with the 3rd Brigade, 2/9th Arty, 4th ID.

MK91.jpgPark it here147 viewsThe Fixed Wing Strip at Oasis. {Guess they didn't mind sharing the pad with the Rotary Wing birds}

MK94.jpgNew location147 viewsMy new home coming out of the boonies
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