The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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WS-83.JPGSwim Time149 viewsDennis Couch, Walt and Al Childers at right.
WS-82.JPGSears Underwear Ad149 viewsSp4 Dennis Couch and friend Sp4 Al Childers next to LZ Oasis water hole.
OasisAtk.jpgRadio Report149 viewsA transcribed radio announcer's brief report on the attack on LZ Oasis.
TS-59.JPGNapoleon?149 viewsStriking a pose like someone did years ago.
MTL-8.jpgMy hotel room149 viewsWere you expecting a 5-star hotel? Not hardly. Unknown friend. He was just a little taller than I was.
JCook8.jpgPuff, the Magic Dragon149 viewsNight firing exercise by Puff.
Dixon68.jpgAdoption149 viewsRemember the photo where I mentioned that I adopted a boy and a girl from the local orphanage? {See Photo Dixon #16} You saw the boy in that shot. Here is me and the little girl when she came to visit at Duc Pho. Photos are even fading now. I think this was Christmas of 1967...
Dixon71.jpgHere come the tanks149 viewsThese were some of the tanks that armor guys operated out of LZ Montezuma. I remember them, the ordnance and the engineering boys clearing a road for us to convoy once.
EMoor9.jpgPartly Cloudy149 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67
EMoor7.jpgTented Mess Hall149 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67. Mess tent. Sure beats eating C-rats every day.
JCook34.JPGMarch, 1966149 viewsGun Section emplacement, March 1966. Note the very neat circle of sandbags. You can tell this howitzer passed a "stateside" inspection before being shipped to Nam. Note the "shield" is still on the right side.
Dick_Arnold.JPGThe Annual Memorial Service149 viewsThe duty falls to Past Association President Dick Arnold to begin the slide show memorial of all the KIAs from Vietnam. The pictures include the men of the 2/9th who were KIA with members of the 35th. This annual memorial is to demonstrate that these men will never be forgotten.
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