
GDB-27.JPG149 views

GDB-29.JPGFADAC couldn't do it149 viewsTry as he might, Cowboy Danny Fort could not program Freddie Fadac to fill sandbags.

MK-48.jpgRoad March148 viewsClassic formation for a jungle road march.

MK-99.jpgBattery Firebase148 viewsMy new tools: a 105mm (M-102) howitizer battery.

MK96.jpgLZ Oasis148 viewsThe 2/9th at Firebase Oasis, 3d Bde, 4th Inf Div

MK143.jpgTinh Nay148 viewsVillage of Tinh Nay outside Oasis.

MK229.jpgReturning Fire148 viewsEverybody wants to get in on the action. Looks like he's using a hammer to operate the howitzer.

MK288.jpgPassing through148 viewsBattalion clerk was a CO (Conscientious Objector) who had the flag over his bunk…nice kid; did my Code book cover. But this incident told him what “Charlie” thinks of his “Peace Flag”. The B-40 went through flag and passed out of the Tent.

WS-83.JPGSwim Time148 viewsDennis Couch, Walt and Al Childers at right.

WS-82.JPGSears Underwear Ad148 viewsSp4 Dennis Couch and friend Sp4 Al Childers next to LZ Oasis water hole.

OasisAtk.jpgRadio Report148 viewsA transcribed radio announcer's brief report on the attack on LZ Oasis.

Turner_35.jpgThe Big City148 viewsMarkets in Pleiku
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