
Roeder_Pavilion.JPGOur Host151 viewsRedleg Bert Landau, with cup in hand, welcomes TOC member Jim Connolly at the Friday evening party. To the left is the Co-Host of the party, Dave Collins, who commanded C-1-35 with Lt Bert Landau as his Forward Observer. A very special event planned by Dave and Bert in a very upscale environment. Weren't we fortunate!

JFO-84.JPGPerfect Timing!151 viewsThe photo catches the cigarette smoke departing his nostrils at the exact moment. Smoke breaks were common, just like in the States.

DM6a.jpg150 viewsOriginal slide of the rising sun over the South China Sea. Immediately across the shine of the rice paddies was LZ Montezuma, home of the 3rd Brigade, 25th Inf Div until 1 Aug 67 when it was swapped with the 4th Inf Div.

DM18.jpgWorking Crew - Pt II150 viewsRollins, Lt Munden, Dauphin, Franklin and Casp. Looks like the "boonie cap" moves around.

WS-34.JPGConstruction Work150 viewsTaking out commo from the 2/9th TOC. Walt is 2nd from left; Top Davis standing on beam.
NOTE! Check out Photo #MK-142 in Mike Kurtgis album; it shows the 2/9th TOC under construction.

MK214.jpg"Spooky"150 views“Puff the Magic Dragon” AKA “Spooky” the Gunship.
A DC-3 with four Gatling Guns (3,000 rounds per minute ea.)

Rick_E_2-6.JPGJob #1: Fill those sandbags!150 viewsArrival at a new LZ means dee-fense. Filling sandbags and digging interlocking trenches. No wonder we hated RSOPs!

SG-4.JPGPhu Cat Airbase150 viewsHere we are at Phu Cat AFB the day we flew into Kontum. I'm in the center; forgotten the name of the FDC guy on my left.

Banquet-2.JPGRedleg Banquet Table150 viewsJerry Orr and Ed Moor in their bright artillery red 2/9th shirts.

Roeder_Pavilion3.JPGBBQ Feast150 viewsMembers of the redleg faction include Jerry Orr sitting next to Mike Kurtgis (who looks like his horse came in last), "Smilin' Joe Henderson and his lovely wife Martha.

JFO-87.JPGTaking a break150 viewsTypical scene of troops moving through the Central Highlands.

GDB-26.JPGHe did it!150 viewsI've been thrown under the bus.
Photo taken at LZ Cacti.
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