The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Dixon70.jpgUnknown154 viewsSomeone wrote in about a fellow in one of the field batteries whom I believe had a Spanish surname. I am not sure if this was him or not, but I recall knowing this guy who I think was either B or C battery. As I recall he was shot, possibly KIA. Great fellow with a good sense of humor... but again, darned if I can remember his name...
Dixon66.jpgArmed & Ready154 viewsThis fellow whose name I surely can no longer recall was shot on perimeter guard at Duc Pho. I think he was either from Michigan or Illinois. A very likable guy as I recall. He was sent home after he was shot, and survived.
2010-Pitts9.JPGCat's Meow154 viewsMaj Jerry Orr pictured in his Arty Shirt standing next to "first timer" Lt John Cashin.
Tex_4-1.JPGM-102154 views"BANG!" Guess that says it all.
JoeH_-_6.JPGBuddies reunite154 viewsTom Gragg and Joe Henderson.
JFO-87.JPGTaking a break154 viewsTypical scene of troops moving through the Central Highlands.
GDB-26.JPGHe did it!154 viewsI've been thrown under the bus.

Photo taken at LZ Cacti.
WS-21.JPGBigger vehicle, bigger protection153 viewsDennis Couch "at the ready", ASP, LZ Oasis.
Dixon10.jpgShining through153 viewsThe sun appears to be shining through the Chinook as it makes its landing.
Elephant3.jpgWhole different culture153 viewsAmong the sights and sounds in Vietnam, working elephants rates up there with the cultural differences. Some report that the NVA and the Cong used them to transport weapons and supplies. A four-legged deuce-and-a-half.
Guyton.jpgSgt Wardell Guyton - Survey Section153 viewsSgt Wardell Guyton (1965) after coming back from SG 9. He was in the Survey Section under Section Chief Edwin Tucker. Wardell joined the Reserves and went to Iraq. He retired as a LtCol and died of leukemia this year (2009). Wardell is buried at Arlington Cemetery.
LD-3.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon153 viewsLee Dixon and Sam Nieto. Sam made the special effort to be on hand for the Friday closing banquet.
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