
Service.JPGHanging 'em up154 viewsAfter 28 years of active and Reserve service, it's time to "hang 'em up". Let someone take your place with new youth and vigor.
My USAR time was spent primarily with the 4152d USAR School in New Orleans and a short stint with the 1192d Transportation and Terminal Unit located at the edge of the famous French Quarter.

WS-21.JPGBigger vehicle, bigger protection153 viewsDennis Couch "at the ready", ASP, LZ Oasis.

WS-40.JPGThe Top Kick153 views1SG Halderman, the Boss man...and you'd better know it!

ComingHome.jpgMade it!153 viewsStill smiling, of course. There's something about DEROS orders that does that.
Welcome Home, Brothers!

Dixon10.jpgShining through153 viewsThe sun appears to be shining through the Chinook as it makes its landing.

Guyton.jpgSgt Wardell Guyton - Survey Section153 viewsSgt Wardell Guyton (1965) after coming back from SG 9. He was in the Survey Section under Section Chief Edwin Tucker. Wardell joined the Reserves and went to Iraq. He retired as a LtCol and died of leukemia this year (2009). Wardell is buried at Arlington Cemetery.

LD-3.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon153 viewsLee Dixon and Sam Nieto. Sam made the special effort to be on hand for the Friday closing banquet.

Misc-2.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Miscellaenous153 viewsChatting at the reunion

JoeH_-_13.JPG"Cacti Forever"153 viewsHere...take this. Put it all on "Cacti Forever" in the 8th. Dick Arnold shows his loyal support.

Roeder_Pavilion.JPGOur Host153 viewsRedleg Bert Landau, with cup in hand, welcomes TOC member Jim Connolly at the Friday evening party. To the left is the Co-Host of the party, Dave Collins, who commanded C-1-35 with Lt Bert Landau as his Forward Observer. A very special event planned by Dave and Bert in a very upscale environment. Weren't we fortunate!

DY-3.jpgUnder Construction152 viewsA panaramic view of the 3rd Brigade base at LZ Montezuma under construction. Note the very identifiable hill that abuts the base with the South China sea next door.

WS-24.JPGM-102152 viewsM-102s arrived in-country in 1968. According to the Unit History (see link), the 2/9th Arty was the first 105mm unit to get them. Howitzer is shown at the high angle fire position, a bitch for the old 105mm but a "piece of cake" for the new.
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