The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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BongSon.jpgRSOP to LZ English302 viewsRushing to set up "A" Battery at LZ English in Bong Son. Lt Dauphin laying the battery. Photo taken by Lt Dennis Munden.
WS-3.JPGLZ Oasis301 viewsLZ Oasis, circa 1966-67. "Dragon Mountain" can be seen in the background.
25th_Coin.jpgCommemorative Coins299 viewsBeautiful commemorative of the Reno reunion. The 25th Inf Div, "Tropic Lightning", at left.
TS-1.jpgLZ Ranger @ Ban-me-Thuot298 viewsR-292 radio antenna stands in the middle of all the muck.
DB-7.JPGSafe & Sound?298 viewsAlways conforting to know that all the "stuff" you dragged to Nam is ready and waiting for you when you go home.
Stateside_Again.jpgBack Home298 viewsBack home again...wearing khakis. End of Mission.
WS-4.JPGBattle at LZ Oasis297 viewsMay, 1969: The Attack on LZ Oasis. "Double click" on the photo and it enlarges; the second click enlarges further. A photo of Maj Tarr, the FAC mentioned in the 2nd column, can be found in Mike Kurtgis' photo album.
MK-1.jpgTour of Duty - Lt Kurtgis297 viewsTitle Slide; much more to follow
English.JPGPalm Trees296 viewsA contrast of palm trees and the hills in the background near LZ English.

Bong Son was the site of LZ English.
DP1a.JPGCam Ranh Bay - Barracks296 viewsFall, 1967. After flying from Minneapolis to SF, I spent a few days in process in Oakland. Then flew to Anchorage and Yokota AFB (Japan) enroute to CRB. Spent a few days processing here before being assigned to the 4th ID in Pleiku. Picture taken enroute to R&R in Australia.
OD-posn.jpgConstruction time294 viewsBuilding the firebase at LZ OD. Note the red and white-banded aiming stakes for the guns.
Smoke.JPGSmoke Trails294 viewsSmoke round leaves a visible marker against the hills.
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