
Cox_Commend.JPGArmy Commendation Award 155 viewsYep! I got one! Nice.

DD_-_Wendell_Corey.JPGTour Guide155 viewsI served as a tour guide when actor Wendell Corey was making field visits. He died the next year (1968) at age 54.

SG-29.JPGHigh Angle fire at LZ Meade155 viewsSmoke, fire and destruction! The gun crew is firing a high-angle mission. Conditions were quite smoky. Not a very pretty LZ.

Misc-3.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Miscellaneous155 viewsWe renewed many acquaintances

Jungle_Expert.JPGFt Sherman - Jungle Training155 viewsBut first...we're sending you to Ft Sherman for jungle training. This course was worse than any experience I had in Vietnam, minus being shot at, of course. All the swinging on ropes and eating snake meat, killing a chicken and eating it, and the 24 hour E&E (Escape & Evasion) exercise was really survival training if you got separated. Didn't apply much otherwise. We were supposed to have a plane waiting upon graduation directly to Vietnam, but some Infantry battalion had a higher priority. That was OK by me; got another 30 days leave to ponder my fate.

J_Orr-4.JPGJerry Orr's photos155 viewsConfab at the Hunter Steakhouse, San Diego on Thursday evening.

DM19.jpg154 viewsIf you look very carefully, you will see the #1 tool in the FO's trick bag: a smoke round popping out three cannisters of smoke marking the trajectory.

YatesUplift.jpgWar Zone?154 viewsCombination of blue skies and mountain range make for a pretty setting at LZ English (Bong Son).

MK19.jpgInseparable154 viewsThe Infantry Company Commander and his FO:
Capt Rothlisberger - Lt Kurtgis

MK-44.jpgCombat Ready154 viewsCombat ready with 3-days worth of "C-Rats". We can bring the engineering stakes along for a weiner roast.

DP10a.JPGFDC TOC154 viewsSpring, 1968. Next to our bunker was the FDC tactical operations center where we worked. In the distance, past the Bong Son village, is one of the Tiger Mountains which was festering with VC, unlike the NVA we had seen far to the north.

elephants.jpgIt's Monday154 viewsThis elephant seems to be resigned to going to work as a pack animal. We were somewhere around Ban-Me-Thuot when those elephants came walking into our "field of fire". The Infantry stopped them and checked them out. When they were allowed to go , someone came up with the idea
to pop a couple of pro-jos over their heads. When the rounds were fired, instead of running away the elephants turned and ran straight at us. They didn't get too close before the men that were riding them got them under control.
Anybody remember the elephants?
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