
WS-43.JPGMobile Machine Gun155 viewsIt wasn't for pizza delivery. The shield says: "Charlie, we bring to you FIRE". The mounting says "THE MAD ITALIAN".

MK19.jpgInseparable155 viewsThe Infantry Company Commander and his FO:
Capt Rothlisberger - Lt Kurtgis

Tex_6-2.JPGShrapnel155 viewsPurty big piece here...almost the whole shell.

J_Henderson5.JPGJoe Henderson - Denver Photos155 viewsMike Kurtgis, Joe Henderson, (2/9th); John Sadler (2/35) and Pete Birrow (Past Pres of the 35th Assn)

LD-4.jpgPatrol Training - 2155 viewsOne of my buds was walking one of these dikes in a rice paddy when he stepped on a VC landmine. It was NOT a pretty experience...

Cox_Commend.JPGArmy Commendation Award 155 viewsYep! I got one! Nice.

SG-29.JPGHigh Angle fire at LZ Meade155 viewsSmoke, fire and destruction! The gun crew is firing a high-angle mission. Conditions were quite smoky. Not a very pretty LZ.

Misc-3.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Miscellaneous155 viewsWe renewed many acquaintances

J_Orr-4.JPGJerry Orr's photos155 viewsConfab at the Hunter Steakhouse, San Diego on Thursday evening.

DM3.jpgCapt Mike Casp154 viewsBattery Commander of "A" Battery, Mike was a well-respected leader and a graduate of West Point and Captain of the Army football team. Mike was KIA in November, 1967.

DM19.jpg154 viewsIf you look very carefully, you will see the #1 tool in the FO's trick bag: a smoke round popping out three cannisters of smoke marking the trajectory.

MK-44.jpgCombat Ready154 viewsCombat ready with 3-days worth of "C-Rats". We can bring the engineering stakes along for a weiner roast.
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