
JoeH_-_15.JPGPatio time156 viewsDewey Hill, Victor Bean and Joe Henderson

Service.JPGHanging 'em up156 viewsAfter 28 years of active and Reserve service, it's time to "hang 'em up". Let someone take your place with new youth and vigor.
My USAR time was spent primarily with the 4152d USAR School in New Orleans and a short stint with the 1192d Transportation and Terminal Unit located at the edge of the famous French Quarter.

Roeder_Pavilion5.JPGAnyone call for artillery?156 viewsVeterans who supported the 35th in the field pose for a photo shoot. From left, party Host Bert Landau, Webmaster Dennis Dauphin, FDC and FO Party guy Greg Malnar, Ed Moor, FO and pilot Mike Kurtgis, TOC members Joe Henderson, Jim Connolly, and Ernie Correia; Steve Sykora, and Jerry Orr. Escaping the photo was FO Ed Thomas.

J_Orr-3.JPGJerry Orr's photos156 viewsHunter Steakhouse, San Diego. At right is FO and Loach pilot Mike Kurtgis.

WS-12.JPGShowers & Crappers155 viewsKey facilities at LZ Oasis

WS-20.JPGGood Buddies155 views"Wild Willie", (Jerry W. Williams) and "Ski", Michael Pskowski (deceased).

WS-26.JPGTea, anyone?155 viewsA tea plantation along Hwy 19.

WS-43.JPGMobile Machine Gun155 viewsIt wasn't for pizza delivery. The shield says: "Charlie, we bring to you FIRE". The mounting says "THE MAD ITALIAN".

MK19.jpgInseparable155 viewsThe Infantry Company Commander and his FO:
Capt Rothlisberger - Lt Kurtgis

Turner_48.jpgTemple155 viewsElaborate temple alongside highway.

Tex_6-2.JPGShrapnel155 viewsPurty big piece here...almost the whole shell.

J_Henderson5.JPGJoe Henderson - Denver Photos155 viewsMike Kurtgis, Joe Henderson, (2/9th); John Sadler (2/35) and Pete Birrow (Past Pres of the 35th Assn)
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