
Danny_Fort.jpgWho else?157 viewsOf course...it's Danny "Cowboy" Fort!

TS-35.JPGOutdoor plumbing157 viewsThat's me getting ready for a hot date.

JCook88.JPGSetting up the field FDC157 viewsYou didn't get a diploma from Gunnery unless you could use an RDP fan (range deflection protractor). Deflection readings go to the guns while Quadrant Elevation (QE) must be calculated.

DF-3.JPGReunion Photos - Danny "Cowboy" Fort157 viewsDrill Sergeants Schmidt and Mackenzie stand outside the Training Battalion Headquarters. You might happen to notice that they are of the female persuasion. Not your father's Army, is it?

LD-5.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon157 viewsRetirement Parade. Lee Dixon on the Old Post parade field.

LD-7.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon157 viewsJoe Henderson, John Severn, Jim Connolly, and Danny "Cowboy" Fort at the Friday night banquet.

SG-28.JPGTaking a break on LZ Meade157 viewsThe FDC crew taking a well-deserved break in front of the FDC bunker. From Left to Right: Pete Beringer, Greg Malnar, Lou Onarato, Jimmy Loy, Mickey Mattocks.

JoeH_-_14.JPGThe Patio Girls157 viewsThe wives know what to do! Go out on the patio and have a refreshing cocktail.

DY-12.jpg2/9th Communications @ Duc Pho156 viewsNote all the R-292 antennas surrounding the encampment of the 2/9th Communications Section.

MK-22.jpgGary Horner156 viewsGary Horner, RTO for the CP, B-2-35. WIA on 25Sep68 at Duc Lap.

MK14.jpgHome Sweet Home156 viewsWe want you to feel right at home.

MK-45.jpgMortar Section156 viewsMortar Section for B-2-35
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