The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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GDS-3.jpgBattle Tank158 viewsM-48 battle tank on the perimeter of the b-2-35 location. It was the only time that we had one.
MK15a.jpgArrival158 viewsHow I got to Bravo, Company, 2/35th: on a midnight "Ash & Trash" flight.
MK-51.jpgMontagnard Longhouse158 viewsNote the efficient ladder; doesn't need a 2nd leg or steps in the middle. Not OSHA-approved, either.
MK89.jpgBack to Camp Enari158 viewsRe-assigned to the 3rd Brigade upon my return. Famous profile of "Titty Mountain".
MK146.jpg"Other" services158 views"Hey GI...sister No. 1 you long time".

(Number one was "good"; number ten was "bad")
DP7a.JPGNew FDC Section bunker158 viewsFeb/Mar 1968. Taken from front of new FDC to Bde CP. Bunker complex (w/ antennas) was Bde TOC bunker and we worked in it with them.
Elephant2.jpgWanting to join a convoy?158 viewsTroops check out a "convoy" of elephants.
Game_On.jpgRecess158 viewsMonsoon basketball? Using a mud pit as a basketball court has interesting results.
January, 2014 update: That's First Sergeant Clifford J. Pullan under the basket and Robert Kornagay on the ground; Geary Burrows is at upper left.
Dixon63.jpgHooray - R&R Time158 viewsBankok R&R - those wonnnnderful Pan Am stewardesses. They always posted one or two at the door just inside the plane as you were leaving...and at least one at the end of the gangway stairs...smiling beguilingly in a skirt and heels. Sighhhhhhh!
EMoor8.jpgUnknown Buddies158 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67
JCook15.jpgLizard on deck158 viewsLizard found at LZ 270. Musta got into our supply of C-rations.
JC-14.JPGSSG Billy P. Mills158 viewsBilly Mills
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