
Dixon69.jpgMy Lifesaver - USMC163 viewsReferring back to my "War Story" about the Marine who may have saved my life and lived in the tent behind our commo tent in Duc Pho? This is him, just off in the right of this Polaroid. And Notice the Marine Corps 3/4-ton truck down below.

Dixon-77.jpgMilitary Entertainment163 viewsA "successful audition" is one thing; complying with para-3 is another. But, there's also a case of not being around to play, also.

BL-17.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet163 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

DScott_Dog.JPGLucky Dog163 viewsHe doesn't have to worry about his uniform or shaving.

J_Henderson6.JPGJoe Henderson - Denver Photos163 viewsJoe Henderson and Dennis Dauphin; Jim Connolly in back; beer commercial in front.

JC-19.JPGAin't Flyin' no mo163 viewsWhatever this aircraft was, it's done for the day.
View from LZ Sledgehammer.

WS-39.JPGChristmas Celebration162 viewsThe Ammo and Survey Sections toast the 1969 Christmas with a few beers.

MK98.jpgThe TOC Gang162 viewsLt John Cashin, SC, 2/9th Arty (me), Lt William Hunnicutt and Lt James E. McHugh

DP3a.JPGAtop LZ Thunder162 viewsDuc Pho, LZ Montezuma (aka Bronco), Fall, 1967. "B" Battery, 105mm howitzer. Bunkers around the gun were for ammunition and for the gun crew. The South China Sea can be seen in the rear.

Dixon3a.jpgThe "cunt cap"162 viewsWe used to call these "cunt caps". Now, that always sounded odd and gross to me...but would you believe I made it almost all the way through basic before I realized that was NOT the correct name for the silly things?
The military nomenclature was "Overseas Cap".

Dixon37.jpgC-130162 viewsHere is a shot of one of the many, many, many times I was flying out on a C-130. Some of the guys on this very plane I never saw again. I heard they were later killed in an ambush. Note the DC-3-based "Puff The Magic Dragon plane in the background!

TS-70.JPGHuey View162 viewsEveryone took photos at one time or another from a ride on a Huey.
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