
GDSfamily.jpgBanquet165 viewsSpringer & son. FO Gary Dean Springer arranged to have his son Scott and girlfriend Courtney attend the Banquet Finale of the reunion.

Dixon38.jpg"Short-Timer"165 viewsWhat does a "short-timer" look like? Well, here is your big clue. The steel pot was damaged by a mortar round. The white picket fence led to the Marines tent area. One of the Marines saved my neck when we were overrun by the VC with satchel charges in our commo area.

Sp-4_Farley.jpgThat's Me165 viewsSp4 Farley proves he served with the 2/9th Arty in Vietnam. Here's his photo.

DJ-19.jpgLZ Montezuma - High Aerial View165 viewsExcellent aerial shot of LZ Montezuma. South China Sea at top, 3rd Bde landing strip in center, and famous hill serving as backdrop. The US Marines first occupied this area before turning it over to the 3rd Bde in the Spring of 1967. It served as the HQ for the 2/9th for many months. Photo courtesy of CPT Don Parrish, (1/35 Inf Commo Officer).

SG-6.JPGLoading up165 viewsJust before we loaded up for our trip to LZ Incoming on the wonderful "Shithooks"! L to R: Pete Beringer, ____, Ed ____, George Skulzachek (nickname "Caesar"), and Lt George in the background. Just before this, our CO told us very undiplomatically that some of us would NOT return. Reason perhaps for the unhappy faces, huh?

Ray_Delano.JPG"Modern Day" Ray165 viewsHere Ray poses with GEN Casey on the day of his retirement, receiving a "coin" in recognition. Congrats, Ray!
Webmaster's Note: Our brother Ray Delano passed away in May, 2020.

LD-3.JPGPatrol Training165 viewsWe were sometimes forced to go on patrols periodically by a sergeant who was a hard-ass and thought it was "good training" to keep us on our toes so we in Commo wouldn't get too soft out there in the field! Of course, good 'ol sarge was bunked up cool, safe and dry back at Montezuma when we were out crawling around in the jungle, wading through mud, being devoured by bugs, traversing rice paddies, sleeping in foxholes, dealing with "charlie" and... well, you get the picture.

LD-6.jpgCommo Buddy on patrol165 viewsThis is another Commo buddy out on patrol...name forgotten.

DEROS-1.JPGSpecial Orders No. 358, Pg 1, DEROS165 viewsWould you believe? Finally got those DEROS orders.

FtSillReunion-page1.jpgNews Coverage - Historic 2/9th Reunion165 viewsThe Lawton Constitution newspaper gave coverage of our historic reunion at Ft Sill in May, 2013. Thanks to John "Moon" Mullins for contributing the article. In the accompanying photo, Raymond Hobbs peers through the eyepiece. Raymond was the RTO for Dennis Munden in the 66-67 era.

JC-21.JPGTea Plantation165 viewsThis is the Main House of the Catecka Tea Plantation.

MK83.jpgAftermath164 viewsNext Day: Abandoned firebase booby trapped. More casualties for B-2-35.
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