
JC-22.JPGHwy 14167 viewsShot of Hwy 14 to Kontum, aka "Ambush Alley"

MK308.jpgCutting it close166 viewsDuring The Chu Pa (Big Mountain) Campaign, a major operation, I flew my last combat mission and fired my last fire mission. Three days to DEROS then Back to the WORLD 4 July 69!

DP11a.JPGHelo Loading Area - LZ English166 viewsNext to our bunker was this helicopter loading area. It was oiled to keep the dust down. Here a Chinook is picking up a load of ammo, going to one of the firing batteries. Man atop truck is giving signals to the pilot. Foreground: Bn Commander LTC Bobzien's hot water shower.

Turner_77.jpgGetting around166 viewsThere were many forms of transport in Vietnam....some better than others.

Dixon35.jpgThe Motor Man166 viewsA very memorable character at right; his name was either Rogers or Richards. Fellow at left is UNK. The guy really loved WOMEN and met a few courtesy of the local mama-san. He said that Asia was heaven and he had no plans to return to the US. There were a lot of guys like that over there.

Wald-1.JPGBase Camp - Christmas, 1966166 viewsPFC John Waldman ready to defend gun pit. The hole behind him is likely from one of the blades of the 105mm towed howitzers.

TStuber-Denver4.JPGTerry Stuber - Denver Photos166 viewsJim Connolly demonstrates the "boardinghouse reach" to perfection.

JC-20.JPGCpl "Lifer"166 viewsThat's all I have...he was a "lifer".

LD-5.jpgHogan166 viewsOne of my Commo buddies, Hogan back at Camp Enari in Pleiku shortly before returning home 1968... note the clean, pressed jungle fatigues!

WS-46.JPGNow & Then165 viewsWe Were Solidiers...and younger.
Walt Schneidereit, Jerry "Jinx" Genson, Dennis Couch.

vn#48A.JPGCruisin'165 viewsWatching a US tank roll through a rag-tag town looks like extreme overkill...but it isn't.

Bert,Dean,Ed.jpgCocktail Party165 viewsDave Collins and Jim Cooke of C-1-35 coordinated with Bert Landau (left) for a special reception combining the grunts with the redlegs in Mandalay-4 room of the hotel. Gary Dean Springer and Ed Thomas are center & right of the photo.
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