The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Dixon12.jpgCamera cutups168 viewsWe had a great team of guys & we had fun too on occasion. Roman, was a real cut-up and was always doing something funny. Here he is making rabbit ears on Hunter (commo wire man from East St. Louis) and a sergeant– whose name I forget because he was from Baltimore and we always called him "B-More"! Tthis was taken near Duc Pho as we were preparing to go to the dreaded Bong Son area. Sgt. "B-More" (who insisted "don't call me sergeant!") was injured in a VC attack on a bunker and was shipped out afterward if I remember right. Roman went to another battery.

SO-93_pg2.jpgWeapons Qualification: M-14 Rifle, page 2168 viewsSecond page of weapons qualification roster.
B-BtryDog.jpgDog & Pony Show168 views
JCook6.jpg168 viewsJoe Cook coddles the mascot, Short Round
Rick_E_2-4.JPGBattery Position168 viewsTypical layout of a 105mm howitzer section. Good pose for a postcard home.
Awards2.JPGGeneral Order No. 8279, pg 2168 viewsAwards continued on page 2.
Jungle_Expert.JPGFt Sherman - Jungle Training168 viewsBut first...we're sending you to Ft Sherman for jungle training. This course was worse than any experience I had in Vietnam, minus being shot at, of course. All the swinging on ropes and eating snake meat, killing a chicken and eating it, and the 24 hour E&E (Escape & Evasion) exercise was really survival training if you got separated. Didn't apply much otherwise. We were supposed to have a plane waiting upon graduation directly to Vietnam, but some Infantry battalion had a higher priority. That was OK by me; got another 30 days leave to ponder my fate.
JC-20.JPGDriving past the school168 viewsThis is the Tan Ahn School near LZ Oasis.
DJ-17.jpgLooks like heating C-Rations got out of hand167 viewsCapt Vincente DeJesus, later Maj DeJesus, Asst Bn S-3
WS-48.JPGNow & Then167 viewsWe Were Soldiers...and we made it home
Dixon56.jpgUS Embassy - Saigon167 viewsA photo of the US Embassy in Saigon before the attacks. Notice how high the front wall is over the fellow walking. One wonders how the press depicted the embassy wall as so easy to climb!
TS-26.JPGA Well-Known Detail167 views"Well, someone has to do it!". The most famous-infamous detail of all Vietnam....the "shit-burning" detail. Larry Kettner does the honors.
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